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Dyeing of plastics principle

2021.09.28plastic dye

  Plastic dyeing is a very important part of the production and processing of plastic industry. For plastic dyeing, its dyeing principle determines the quality of plastic dyeing. What are the dyeing principles of general plastic dyeing?

  1. Have a clear understanding of the samples to be prepared. Because the samples obtained may generally be plastic parts, photos, leather, metal parts, etc. everything with color may need to be understood.

  2. Distinguish soft and hard glue toner according to plastic raw materials. In this way, the range of toner can be reduced.

  3. Choose toner or color masterbatch according to the molding process (e.g. medium temperature toner or high temperature resistance).

  4. Do you have any special requirements for weather resistance and chemical stability with or without fillers or other additives.

  5. Under what light source are there requirements for color. Because the sample is in natural light. Under different light sources such as fluorescent lamp and ultraviolet light, the color will be different.

key words:plastic dye Chinese plastic dye

Qingdao Yishibao Plastic Co., LTD


133 9532 2932 / 133 0639 9338


+86-532-8790 1798




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133 9532 2932 / 133 0639 9338


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